



Evaluation of the repertory

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General Index of music editions
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Other editions and papers on this site:

Copenhagen Chansonnier

Complete Works of Gilles Mureau

Amiens MS 162 D

Sacred music of the 15th century

Peter Woetmann Christoffersen

Papers on

Basiron’s chansons
Busnoys & scibes PDF
Chansons in Fa-clefs
Chansoner på nettet
Fede, Works
Dulot’s Ave Maria
Open access 15th c.
MS Florence 2794



Adams 1983 Courtney S. Adams, ‘A Postscript’, Journal of the American Musicological Society 1983, pp. 162-63
AR Antiphonale sacrosanctae romanae ecclesiae. Tournai 1949
Briquet 1968 C.M. Briquet, Les filigranes. Dictionnaire historique des marques du papier des leur apparation vers 1282 jusqu’au 1600. Génève 1909, rev. ed. Amsterdam 1968
Brown 1963 Howard Mayer Brown, Music in the French Secular Theater. 1400-1550. Cam. Mass. 1963
Brown 1963b Howard Mayer Brown, ‘The Genesis of a Style: The Parisian Chanson, 1500-1530’ in J. Haar (ed.), Chanson and Madrigal 1480-1530. Studies in comparison and contrast (A Conference at Isham Memorial Library September 13-14, 1961) Cam. Mass. 1963, pp. 1-36 (music examples pp. 141-172)
Brown 1963c Howard Mayer Brown (ed.), Theatrical Chansons of the Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Centuries. Cam. Mass. 1963
Brown 1982 Howard Mayer Brown, ‘Emulation, Competition and Homage: Imitation and Theories of Imitation in the Renaissance’, Journal of the American Musicological Society 1982, pp. 1-48
Brown 1983 Howard Mayer Brown, A Florentine Chansonnier from the Time of Lorenzo the Magnificient. Florence, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale MS Banco Rari 229 (Monuments of Renaissance Music VII) Chicago 1983
Brown 1983b Howard Mayer Brown, ‘A "New" Chansonnier of the Early Sixteenth Century in the University Library of Uppsala: A Preliminary Report’, Musica Disciplina 37 (1983) pp. 171-233.
Brown 1987 Howard Mayer Brown (ed.), Uppsala, Universitetsbiblioteket, Vokalmusik i handskrift 76a, introduction by Howard Mayer Brown (Renaissance Music in Facsimile. Sources Central to the Music of the Late Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries, 19), New York (Garland) 1987
Christoffersen 1994 P. Woetmann Christoffersen, French Music in the Early Sixteenth Century. Studies in the music collection of a copyist of Lyons. The manuscript Ny kgl. Samling 1848 2° in the Royal Library, Copenhagen I-III. Copenhagen 1994
Dumitrescu 2012 Theodor Dumitrescu, ‘Who Was “Prioris”? A Royal Composer Recovered’, Journal of the American Musicological Society 65 (2012), pp. 5-66
Fallows 1999 David Fallows, A Catalogue of Polyphonic Songs, 1415-1480. Oxford 1999
Fallows 2009 David Fallows, Josquin. Turnhout 2009
Françon 1938 Marcel Françon (ed.), Poèmes de transition (xve-xvie siècles): Rondeaux du Ms 402 de Lille. Paris & Cam. Mass. 1938
Gérold 1921 Théodore Gérold (ed), Le Manuscrit de Bayeux. Texte et musique d’un recueil de chansons du XVe siècle (Publications de la Faculté des Lettres de l'Université de Strasbourg, fasc. 2) Strasbourg 1921
Graesse 1972 Graesse, Benedict, Plechl, Orbis latinus. Lexikon lateinischer geographischer Namen des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit. Braunschweig 1972
Jeffery 1971/1976 Brian Jeffery, Chanson Verse of the Early Renaissance I-II. London 1971-1976
Kraft 2009 Isabel Kraft, Einstimmigkeit um 1500. Der Chansonnier Paris, BnF f. fr. 12744. (Beihefte zum Archiv fÜr Musikwissenschaft 64), Stuttgart 2009
Lacour 1959 R. Lacour (ed.), Archives départementales du Rhône I-II. Lyon 1959-68
Löpelmann 1923 M. Löpelmann (ed.), Die Liederhandschrift des Cardinals de Rohan (Gesellschaft für romanische Litteratur, Band 44) Göttingen 1923
Mone 1853 F.J. Mone, Lateinische Hymnen des Mittelalters I-III. Breisgau 1853-55
Nicolai 1925 Alexandre Nicolai, Histoire des Moulins à papier du Sud-ouest de la France 1300-1800 (2 vols.) Bordeaux 1925
Orléans 1923 Charles d’Orléans (ed. Pierre Champion), Poèsies. Paris 1923-24
Rifkin 2010 Joshua Rifkin, 'Taking from the Rich : A Mistaken Attribution in Uppsala 76a', Revue de Musicologie 96 (2010), pp. 181-187
RH Repertorium Hymnologicum I-VI. Louvain 1892-1921
Wallis 1929 N. Hardy Wallis (ed.), Anonymous French Verse: An Anthology af Fifteenth Century Poems from Manuscripts in the British Museum. London 1929