Uppsala 76a, no. 7, ff. 5v-6 »Quant je fuz prins au pavillon« 3v [Anonymous]
Quant je fuz prins au pavillon Je rougy comme vermeillon quant je fuz prins au pavillon Si j’eusse esté esmerillon Quant je fuz prins au pavillon
When I was caught in the meshes I turned red as vermillion, when I was caught in the meshes If I had been a merlin When I was caught in the meshes |
Entered by Hand B. The rondeau is also found without composer attribution in the Leuven chansonnier from the 1470s, ff. 76v-78. The poem is by Charles d’Orléans (1394-1465). Uppsala 76a has only the refrain of the rondeau quatrain under the voice in the space for the superius. Couplet and tierce are added after the Leuven chansonnier (see further the edition), and it is published in Charles d’Orléans (ed. Pierre Champion), Poèsies, Vol. II, p. 353, Paris 1924 (Rondeau 23); for text concordances, see Fallows 1999 p. 337.
The rondeau for two equal high voices and a supporting (but not essential) contratenor cadences at the end in C, but seems otherwise to explore the rare Lydian mode with a high fourth scale degree (cf. the first bar or bb. 17-18). It belongs to a small group of songs in high tessitura in Uppsala 76a (nos. 6-9), see also no. 8 »En actendant la grace«.