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Copenhagen Chansonnier

Complete Works of Gilles Mureau

Amiens MS 162 D

Sacred music of the 15th century

Peter Woetmann Christoffersen

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Dulot’s Ave Maria
Open access 15th c.
MS Florence 2794


Uppsala 76a, no. 30, ff. 26v-27 »Parce, Domine, populo tuo« 3v [J. Obrecht]

Parce, domine, populo tuo,
quia pius est [sic] et misericors.
Exaudi nos in eternum domine.

Spare, O Lord, your people,
for thou art just and merciful.
Hear us, Lord, forever.

Entered by Hand B. Motet by Jacob Obrecht (for a list of sources, see the edition of Amiens 162D, f. 18). The bassus sings a Phrygian melody in long note values, which fits the text syllabically. This is either a now unknown plainchant melody or a deliberate imitation of plainchant by the composer. The upper voices are livelier and fill out the gaps in the bassus, The composition may originally have been a ‘motet-chanson’ with a French rondeau cinquain or – more probably – a Flemish or Latin poem as text in the upper voices.

All voices are texted in Uppsala 76a, but in the tenor Hand B wrote the text-incipit only; a later hand completed the text-underlay, in which he used more repetitions of text than we find in the upper voice.