



Evaluation of the repertory

Dating and function

Comments on Hand B’s last entries




General Index of music editions
by first line
   by composer


Other editions and papers on this site:

Copenhagen Chansonnier

Complete Works of Gilles Mureau

Amiens MS 162 D

Sacred music of the 15th century

Peter Woetmann Christoffersen

Papers on

Basiron’s chansons
Busnoys & scibes PDF
Chansons in Fa-clefs
Chansoner på nettet
Fede, Works
Dulot’s Ave Maria
Open access 15th c.
MS Florence 2794


Uppsala 76a, no. 57, ff. 56v-57, »O quam presul domine Nicolae« 3v Jehan Mire (unicum)

O quam presul domine Nicolae
tuis pro cleris intercede.
Erga regem regnum ut in fine
regnum regnorum sit jus perhenne.


Hymn to St Nicolas. The text is carefully written under all three voices. Copied by Hand C. The name of the rather inept composer is written as a musical rebus:

Jehan Mire