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MS Florence 2794


Uppsala 76a, no. 33, ff. 29v-30 »Adieu Soulas, [tous Plaisirs et Liesse]« 4v (unicum)

Adieu Soulas, tous Plaisirs et Liesse,
mon cueur, hellas, qui vit en grant tristesse.
C’est du regret que j’ay de mon amy.
Helas, qui m’a failly.

Qu’ens distes vous, ne c’est point grant dommaige,
d’avoir banny ung sy beau personnaige?
Car par sus tout je l’avoy[e] chaucy
pour mon leaul amy.

Je vous tenois du [amans] le plus sayge,
mays je cognois vostre laise couraige.
Pourtant alles, deportes vous de cy,
queres aultre parti.

Je m’en iray lasus au vert bouscayge.
La je feray fondre ung hermitaige.
La vivray mes jours en grant soucy,
et tout pour mon amy.

Rossinoylet qui chantes aut vert boscayge
au mon amy va fayre le messayge.
Vat’en, vat’en, va donc a mon amy
qui m’a mis en obli.

Goodbye Joy, all Pleasure and Delight,
my heart, alas, lives in great sadness.
It is caused by regret because of my friend.
Alas, he has deceived me.

What do you say, isn’t it great damage
to have banished such a beautiful person?
For among all I had chosen him
to be my loyal friend.

I regarded you as the most sage of lovers,
but now I recognize your mean heart.
Go away, disappear from here,
find other company.

I’ll depart to the green woods.
There I shall found a hermitage.
There I shall live my days in deep grief,
and all because of my friend.

Nightingale, who sings in the green grove,
fly to my friend with this message.
Hurry, hurry, hasten to my friend
who did forget me.

Entered by Hand B. Of the first stanza the words “Adieu soulas” only are entered below the voices; in the transcription it has been supplied from MS Uppsala 76a ff. 35v-36 containing A. de Fevin’s setting of the same tune. Stanzas 2-5 are written f. 29v in the space below the superius part. The popular tune is sung by the superius.