



Evaluation of the repertory

Dating and function

Comments on Hand B’s last entries




General Index of music editions
by first line
   by composer


Other editions and papers on this site:

Copenhagen Chansonnier

Complete Works of Gilles Mureau

Amiens MS 162 D

Sacred music of the 15th century

Peter Woetmann Christoffersen

Papers on

Basiron’s chansons
Busnoys & scibes PDF
Chansons in Fa-clefs
Chansoner på nettet
Fede, Works
Dulot’s Ave Maria
Open access 15th c.
MS Florence 2794


Uppsala 76a, no. 41, ff. 41v-42 »Pourtant si mon amy n’a point de monnaye« 4v ex 2v
Ninot le petit (unicum)

Pourtant si mon amy n'a point de monnaye
il est a mon plesir quelque part que soye
je n'ayme aultre que luy quelque part que soye
sy d'argent ne ayme quelque part que ma joye,
sy d'ar-gent que ma joy-e.



Entered by Hand B. Double canon using simple melodic material (popular song?); both notated voices are fully texted.